Saturday, December 29, 2012

Focusing on the Facts and Debunking Myths on the Causes of Pimples

Every girl's (and arguably, boy's) worst enemy is a breakout - an acne breakout. There's just something about this tiny, red, oftentimes multiple pustules that probably drive you insane, such that the temptation to"pop your zits" becomes impossible to resist. Although dermatologists usually recommend against doing so, taking matters into your own hands as far as pimples are concerned somehow makes things even a bit better.

Before discussing what causes pimples, it's necessary to define what they are. Pimples, also known as acne, occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oil as well as dead skin cells. Although most obvious in the face, you might have had acne in other areas including your shoulders, back, and even your chest. You should also know that these lesions don't heal rapidly and easily - keep that in mind the next time you're tempted to pop your pimples.

So - what causes acne? As mentioned, you will have at least one pimple in at least one point in your life. The surge in progesterone (a hormone in the body) during adolescence (which, naturally, everyone goes through) also causes a surge in acne development, usually more prominent in males during this period. For females, pimples may appear just before their monthly menstrual period, which is also attributed to the rise in progesterone. Although progesterone is an important factor, the build-up of oil in your hair follicles is necessary for acne formation. Once oil and dead skin cells build up into a plug, they act as a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive, leading to acne. Pimples become red once they're inflamed or infected, which is also why pimples are usually raised lesions (since tiny cysts form beneath your skin). Aside from hormones, medications containing steroids, as well as dairy and carbohydrate-rich foods enhance the formation of acne. Contrary to popular belief, oily foods and chocolates have very little to do with the development of acne.

Pimple in the Ear

Posted via email from Our Pimples Space

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